
About the Journal

PUTIH: Jurnal Pengetahuan tentang Ilmu dan Hikmah (ISSN: P-2598-7607; E-2622-223X) published by Ma'had Aly Al Fithrah Takhassus Tasawwuf wa Thoriqotuhu (Sufism and Tariqa). This journal contains Islamic Studies mainly covering nuances of Tasawuf and Tarekat. This journal is published twice a year, ie March and September.
The editors invite academics, lecturers and researchers to contribute scientific articles that have never been published by other journals. The script is typed 1.5 cm on A4 size paper with a writing length of between 20-30 pages, 7000-9000 words. Incoming script is evaluated by the editorial board. Editors can make changes to the posts that are loaded for uniform format, without changing their subtans.

Editor Address:
JOURNAL KNOWLEDGE ABOUT SCIENCE AND HIKMAH(JKSH) The Center of Science and Philosophy Markaz Al-'Ulum wa Al-Hikmah Takhassus Tasawwuf wa Thariqatuh MA'HAD ALY AL FITHRAH SURABAYA Jl. Kedingding Lor No. 99 Tlp. 08510 300 6049 Surabaya 60129 E-mail:

Current Issue

Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024): PUTIH: Jurnal Pengetahuan tentang Ilmu dan Hikmah Vol. IX No. I
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PUTIH: Jurnal Pengetahuan tentang Ilmu dan Hikmah (ISSN: P-2598-7607; E-2622-223X) published by Ma'had Aly Al Fithrah Takhassus Tasawwuf wa Thoriqotuhu (Sufism and Tariqa). This journal contains Islamic Studies mainly covering nuances of Tasawuf and Tarekat. This journal is published twice a year, ie March and September.

The editors invite academics, lecturers and researchers to contribute scientific articles that have never been published by other journals. The script is typed 1.5 cm on A4 size paper with a writing length of between 20-30 pages, 7000-9000 words. Incoming script is evaluated by the editorial board. Editors can make changes to the posts that are loaded for uniform format, without changing their subtans.

Editor Address:
PUTIH: Jurnal Pengetahuan tentang Ilmu dan Hikmah The Center of Science and Philosophy Markaz Al-'Ulum wa Al-Hikmah Takhassus Tasawwuf wa Thariqatuh MA'HAD ALY AL FITHRAH SURABAYA Jl. Kedingding Lor No. 99 Tlp. 08510 300 6049 Surabaya 60129 E-mail: